
Sept. 12, 2023

Dr. Brian Romans aboard the JOIDES Resolution

Dr. Brian Romans is sailing aboard the JOIDES Resolution, the scientific community's drilling ship, on Expedition 400 off the NW Greenland margin in the Labrador Sea. The goal of the expedition is to help elucidate the long-term history of the Greenland Ice Sheet by drilling seven sites across the northwest Greenland margin into Baffin Bay, where thick Cenozoic sedimentary successions can be directly linked to the evolution of the ice sheet. Brian sent some photos of the expedition - enjoy!

Friday Seminar: Dr. Missy Eppes

Last week's Friday Seminar featured Professor Missy Eppes (University of North Carolina, Charlotte), who spoke on "Rethinking cracking: Combining field observations with fracture mechanics experiments and concepts to better understand what controls natural rock fracturing over geologic time."

WInGS: Dr. Mae Hey

Last week's Widening Inclusivity in (Geo)Science featured Dr. Mae Hey, Assistant Professor of History at VT. Dr. Hey stewards the Indigenous Friendship Garden at Virginia Tech, and last week's WInGS meeting took place there, incuding a tour and a presentation on “Kincentric ecology at VT: Finding our place as a good relative to Land”.