Liturgy Committee


The Liturgy Committee assists the Pastor in encouraging full and active participation of the faithful in our liturgies.  Members are responsible for planning and evaluating liturgical celebrations, formation and coordination of liturgical ministers, creating a reverent and inviting environment, and fostering a welcoming atmosphere for all worshippers.

Contact:  Edward Slusarczyk-570-956-7778

Liturgy Committee Members:

Monica Astorino, Dolores Babula, Amelia Bergeron, Deacon Maurice J. Cerasaro, Jr., Permanent Deacon, Maureen Ciavarella, Jen Gerhard, Marie Guza, Carmella LaBuz, Tom Pandolfi, Fr. Ric Polmounter, Ed Slusarczyk, Amy Triano, Barbara Vilushis, Helen Mary Fellin, and Marian Pekela.

Parish Teams Regathering Workbook (May 5)-click here