Secular Franciscans
Since the closing of the Holy Dormition Franciscan Friary in Sybertsville, earlier this year, the Secular Franciscans (OFS) have been welcomed at St. John Bosco Church and have been having their monthly meetings here, usually on the first Sunday of the month, at 1 pm in the multi-purpose room and Church. . On Sunday, October 2, they will hold an afternoon retreat at St. John Bosco Church from 1-4 pm and reflect on Pope Francis encyclical: “Fratelli Tutti” (“All Brothers”). This retreat is open to the public. If you desire to inquire more about the Secular Franciscans or this papal encyclical, you are invited and encouraged to attend. Fr. Jerome Wolbert OFM, will direct the retreat. The Secular Franciscan Order is the Third branch of the Franciscan family and is made up of laymen and women who seek to observe the Gospel of Jesus by following the example of Saint Francis of Assisi.