Faith Formation


Although all children in Kindergarten through Grade 8 are welcome and encouraged to attend our Faith Formation Program, their parents must be formally registered in St John Bosco Parish or submit a letter from their proper pastor formally giving his permission for them to attend here. The registration or letter must be submitted this summer before registration is completed. Registered parishioners must be receiving mail from our parish and are expected to be participating at mass and sacraments regularity. It is not sufficient to say that you were baptized or married here or belonged in the past. Call the office at 570-788-1997, ext 3 if you have any questions about your membership or to schedule an appointment to join or rejoin.


Youth Faith Formation Classes for Grades Kindergarten through Grade 8, begin on Sunday, September 10 at 10 AM. Pre-registration is required. Forms are available at the Faith Formation Office or by calling the Youth Faith Formation Director, Maureen Ciavarella, at 570-788-1997, EXT 6. Due to safety concerns, no child will be admitted on that first day without advanced registration. Your cooperation and understanding is appreciated.


St. John Bosco’s Faith Formation program may be in its summer hiatus, but faith formation is never “over!” FAITH FORMATION involves the entire family, not only our youngsters, so it can truly can be an ongoing practice all year long. Let us share a few ideas!

GO TO MASS! Whether in Conyngham, Sugarloaf, Weston, Florida, Alaska, camping or at the shore, attend Mass every Sunday as a family! Honoring the Sabbath is a great way to keep your family together whether summer, winter, spring, or fall! If you are out of our area simply GOOGLE: “MASS TIMES” and add the city or town where you are at or traveling through and it will tell you the Catholic Churches, Mass times and directions.

VISIT OUR WEB PAGE! Each weekend, resources and links are available for further faith formation, etc.

PARTICIPATE IN C.L.O.W.! Although formal faith formation classes are not held in the summer, we had a very successful Vacation Bible School and almost every Sunday during the 9 am Mass at St. John Bosco Parish we have CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD. We invite our youngsters, age 3 to Grade 5 to join us for a reflection and an activity on the Scripture readings according to their age.

PRAY & SHARE DAILY! Is the whole family at the breakfast table at the same time in the summer? Consider starting breakfast with a prayer or short Bible story. Do you go for a morning walk once or twice a week? Maybe you can pray a decade of the Rosary while you walk. Or walk to Mass! Do your kids enjoy some summer screen time? There are some great Bible story movies from Moses to Jonah to Jesus! However you do it, creating the habit and expectation of starting (or ending) the day drinking in God’s Word is what is important. End each day with a simple prayer and examination of conscience with an Act of Contrition.


Although all young people are invited to participate in the Faith Formation Classes held at St. John Bosco Parish (Grades Kindergarten through Grade 8), you are reminded that at least one parent MUST be registered in our parish or if registered in another local Catholic Church, must have the WRITTEN PERMISSION of their Pastor to attend classes here and to receive the Sacraments of Penance, Eucharist or Confirmation.

Please click on each for more info:


Ascension Press Online Journey to Confirmation

Faith Formation Calendar

Faith Formation Family Handbook

Faith Formation Registration

Faith Formation Service Hours Log

Faith Formation Lesson Plans

Decision Point Program

SJB Calendar of Events

Faith Formation Corner 7/14/2024


The Bishop’s Youth Awards, a time-honored tradition in the Diocese of Scranton since 1996, celebrates current 8th and 12th grade youth who embody the spirit of the early Church who “devoted themselves to the teachings of the apostles and the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers." 

For family and friends of the award recipients, especially those that might live out of town, CTV: Catholic Television of the Diocese of Scranton will broadcast both Masses live. A livestream will also be made available on the Diocese of Scranton website with links provided on all Diocesan social media channels. 

We extend our prayerful best wishes and congratulations to the young people from our both churches who will receive the award this year. 

They are: SENIORS: Emily Babula; Sage Bacher; Stella Byrne, and Vincent Ciavarella 

8th GRADE STUDENTS: Isabella Ciavarella and Kyden Kowalick 

Faith Formation Announcements

Plans are in process for St. John Bosco's 2024-2025 YOUTH FAITH FORMATION. The FF Calendar has been prepared and is posted on our Parish Webpage. 

REGISTRATION for our FF Program and VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL are now taking place. Registration forms were given to all students and are also available at our Faith Formation Office and Parish Web page. There is a discount for early registration through the end of July. 

KINDERGARTEN CATECHIST(S) NEEDED: Our Kindergarten Class for Faith Formation has been a huge success. We had 22 students this past year. However, this coming year we may need to limit attendance if we do not receive another catechist. We would like to have two smaller Kindergaten classes. We could also use some aides to assist with the priogram. All class information and materials will be provided. If you may be interested in being a catechist, please contact Maureen Ciavarella at 570-788-1997, EXT 6, to discuss what would be involved. Please consider sharing the faith and love of Jesus with our youngsters. 

FAITH FORMATION SUBSTITUTES NEEDED If you would like to occasionally serve as a volunteer catechist or aide when one of our regular catechists is absent, contact the Faith Formation Ofice at 570-788-1997, ext. 6. Class materials are available. 

St. John Bosco Faith Formation

It is a tradition on the last day of Faith Formation to pray the Rosary together. Please join us as we pray and then enjoy a few videos from our catechists,