Diocesan Annual Appeal

Social Justice Grant

Faith Formation Grant

Diocesan Annual Appeal, Social Justice Grant, Faith Formation Grant

Dear Friends,

We are Paula and Joe Panzitta, and we are honored to serve as the co-chairs of the Luzerne County Region for this year’s Diocesan Annual Appeal.

Donations to the Annual Appeal allow our Diocese to continue its ministries to bring hope and help to those whose needs are the greatest. We ask you to view the Annual Appeal video for Luzerne County at the AnnualAppeal.org website to see the faces of the benefactors of the Appeal.

Your participation will support life sustaining programs for people in poverty, care of retired priests, formation of deacons and seminarians, continuation of Catholic education, broadcasting of the daily Mass on CTV, social justice grants for parishes and many more programs.

For those who have already donated to the Appeal, we thank you. We would like to ask all others to consider making a gift this year. Please know that each and every gift can benefit those in our Diocese who need assistance. During these difficult times the need is greater than ever.

Gifts can be made by returning the pledge envelopes received in the mail, by returning a pledge form from the Catholic Light, by returning a plain envelope marked “Annual Appeal” to your parish or by donating on the AnnualAppeal.org website.

Thank you for your generosity,

Paula & Joe Panzitta


As of June 30, 2024 

2023 Parish Goal: .................$58,000.00 

Received to Date: .................$73,842.15

Over goal:.................................$15,842.15

Participants: 288 families/individuals or 33% 

Our parish will receive a rebate of approximately $11,881.61 for use in our both churches for ministry.

We are grateful to all who generously participated in the Appeal.



Diocese of Scranton Annual Appeal

300 Wyoming Avenue

Scranton, PA 18503-1279

PH: 570-207-2250

FX: 570-207-1835