Parish Finance Committee

Parish Finance Council

The Parish Finance Council functions as a consultative body to the Pastor in a relationship of support and collaboration. It consists of selected individuals to advise the Pastor in these areas:

Preparation of the annual operating budget

Long-term financial planning

Annual parish financial report submitted to the Diocesan Bishop

Annual and periodic financial reports to the faithful

The Code of Canon Law (Code 537) mandates Parish Finance Councils in each parish.

The St. John Bosco Parish Finance Council meets regularly and is appointed by the Pastor. Humbly answering the call to servant leadership, we serve as your Parish Finance Council:

Joseph Gallagher, Chair

Father Ric Polmounter, Ex-Officio

Linda Bayzick, Ex-Officio

David Glassberg, Esq., Legal Council

Peter Bard,  Beverly Cogan, Tony Cusatis, Mike Maylath, Brian Vayda-Members


We want to take this opportunity to extend our heartfelt gratitude to THOMAS F. LAGANA, AWMA, who has served St. John Bosco Parish for many decades as the Chairperson of our Parish Finance Advisory Council. During his time, he has served on this Council during the Pastorates of Father John K. Manno, Monsignor (Bishop) Joseph C. Bambera, Fr. Joseph J. Evanko, Fr. Jack C. Lambert and Fr. Ric Polmounter. I am very grateful to him for his dedication to the financial stewardship of our parish and for his professional advice. Although he has asked to step down from this role, he will continue to advise us regarding our parish investments. During my seven years as St. John Bosco's Pastor, I have found his leadership, and professional advice invaluable. I know that the other SJB Pastors have felt the same. Tom deeply loves his parish family and is also of great assistance in planning our Annual Golf Classic and in setting up our popular outdoor Nativity Scene every holiday season. Thank you for your service on the Finance Advisory Board and for a job well done. You leave our Parish Finance Council in strong financial footing.

I have asked JOSEPH GALLAGHER, an active member of our parish and member of our Parish Finance Advisory Council to be-come the next Chairperson With his background as a CPA and his work as a member of our Finance Council, I know he will con-tinue to assist us in the financial stewardship of our parish. Thank you for accepting this parish leadership role.

I am also grateful to all the members of our Current SJB Finance Advisory Council for their commitment to the financial stability of our parish. The members are: Peter Bard, Beverly Cogan, Anthony Cusatis, Michael Maylath and Brian Vayda.