Parish Registration



New parishioners are very welcome to join our parish family. You may register by contacting the Parish Office to set up an appointment with our Pastor, Fr. Ric. He is available on Monday through Thursday for morning, afternoon or evening appointments. Just a reminder: Registered parishioners seeking to be sponsors for Baptism or Confirmation must be practicing Catholics in good standing (Registered and participating at weekly Mass and Sacraments) to receive the necessary recommendation. Contact the Parish Office for an appointment with a priest to review the qualifications. Parishioners moving out of a parish are asked to notify our Parish Office. 


Once a young adult parishioner graduates high school or college and becomes employed, it is proper that regular adult envelopes are requested for them. They will be given their own contribution number and envelopes will be mailed to them just like their parents. All adults, from age 18 and up, are requested to support their parish by making a donation of their monthly dues and weekly offerings. This is considered the bare minimum of financial support expected for “active parishioners.” When requesting a sponsor card for baptism or confirmation, seeking to celebrate matrimony, or desiring burial in our parish, one is expected to be an active parishioner, i.e., one who practices the Faith and supports their parish. If you are 18 years of age or older, completed school and are not currently receiving contribution envelopes, please the parish office so that your census information may be updated. We have many individuals who are in their 30s and 40s who have never registered on their own and are still listed as children under their parents.


All parishioners, age 21 and older are reminded that you need to be a formally registered and participating member to re-ceive a sponsor eligibility card for baptism or confirmation or to receive a letter of recommendation. Receiving your Bap-tism or First Communion in a church, does not make you an active member of that church. Many people who are in their 30’s and older are still listed as children in our parish under their parents. You are listed as inactive. You can contact the parish office at 570-788-1997, EXT 3, to set up an appointment to formally register by meeting with the Pastor.

Every so often, it comes to our attention that a person or persons who thought they were registered members of the parish are, in fact, not on our parish lists. This normally happens with people who grew up in the parish and were originally registered with their parents and never re-registered as adults when they became 21. It also happens with people who attend our parish on a regular basis but never bothered to register as members.

In order to receive the benefits of the parish, every adult over 21 years of age must be registered in the parish. (Children under 21 can be registered with their families, but at 21, need to re-register separately). If you are unsure of your status, you may call the parish office. If you need to register officially simply call the office for an appointment. Baptism or other sacraments in the parish do not necessarily signify that you are a registered and participating member of St. John Bosco Church. This way, we can avoid uncomfortable situations at the time of a requested Sponsor eligibility card or letter of recommendation.