

"Consider this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

2 Corinthians 9:6-7

Time, talent, treasure. For an organization to succeed and thrive, its members must be willing to commit a portion of their resources to the greater good. As disciples of Jesus, we are called to a spirit of deep generosity to help support our parish in its mission: "We the Catholic community of St. John Bosco, are called to bring others to Christ and in doing so, are brought to Christ."

We are thankful for our many blessings and we acknowledge our responsibility to be a blessing to others. What better way to do so than by cheerfully sharing our time, talent, and treasure within the framework of our Catholic faith, our Diocese and our Parish?

Please give as generously as you can. Your regular weekly offering supports our operating budget; helps sustain our liturgical, faith formation, and outreach ministries; and enables us to plan wisely for the future.

Want to know more? Click here to read a summary of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Pastoral Letter on Stewardship. 


I would like to tell you about an exciting evangelization ministry here at Saint John Bosco Parish from Stewardship: A Mission of Faith. In the main vestibule of SJB Church and in the vestibule of our Faith Formation Center we have Catholic Resource Display Centers that contains a variety of different Catholic materials including books, booklets, CDs, DVDs and pamphlets. The materials contain messages on challenging topics of Christian living to help build up your faith in God and to inspire many areas of your life such as:

· Marriage and family

· Children and teens

· Spiritual growth and prayer life

· Basics of our faith

· Answers to questions you’ve always wondered about

· Stories of conversion, or returning to the faith

People from all walks of life profess that these materials have helped them grow in a deeper personal and intimate relationship with God, and life changing conversions have occurred. All materials are free. Gift donations are accepted and the money will be used to replenish the material and further the mission as well as help plant seeds of faith in other Churches. Learning and growing in faith is a lifelong process. Start today! Please take a few moments after the Mass to checkout our Catholic Resource Centers to see what is available.