Bereavement Ministry
Sharing the Journey
“Grief Shared is Grief Diminished”
The Bereavement Ministry of St. John Bosco church will provide the Fall Sup-port Group Sessions in September that are open to all people who are grieving the death of a loved one and are having difficulty in their grief.
The overall goal of the support group is to provide insight into one’s grief and to help them to move toward a resolution of their grief. It is designed to be flexible. When the worst has happened and everything changes, get the sup-port that you need to remember with more love than pain. Attending these grieving overview sessions is greatly encouraged for they not only give you some guidance now but also lay a foundation for future ongoing “Resilient Heart” sessions.
The program consists of seven weekly sessions on Monday evenings from 6:00 to 8:00 PM in the parish multi-purpose room, beginning on Monday, September 16, 2024. Registration is required to assure seating and materials. If interested, please call Marie (Bereavement Ministry) at (570) 455-3874 to register. Sessions are non-denominational.