Rise Against Hunger


Rise Against Hunger has become a yearly event at SJB.  We meet the Rise Against Hunger representative at approximately 8:30 AM to help set up for the packaging and we stay after the event to help the representative load up the truck.  It is a one day commitment and we are finished by noon. The event is held in the auditorium/gym. The meals are distributed worldwide and are tied to education.

Contact:  Parish Office, (570) 788-1997, ext. 3


Prior to the Pandemic Saint John Bosco Parish sponsored on at least three occasions in the summer a Meal Packaging Event. It was a wonderful opportunity to both learn about Global Hunger and malnutrition and it gave us an opportunity to do something about it. It was an enjoyable and fun-filled Saturday morning event of about two hours for all ages of our parish. Thousands of meals were prepared and sent to people who are experiencing famine, hunger, natural disasters, etc. We are considering hosting an event again this summer in our gym with both Sacred Heart of Jesus and Saint John Bosco Churches. We would need a few adult volunteers to coordinate the simple program and a lot of volunteers on the day of the event. The time and effort commitment is very minimal. It would be a wonderful opportunity for both Churches to work together as we both celebrate special anniversaries of our founding in 2023. If there is an interest we will need to contact the company that coordinates this program and get a Saturday date on our calendar. If you would like to be a member of the planning committee please call the parish office and give your name and contact information this month. If we have sufficient adults to do the basic coordination we will have it this year. It is also a great community builder since we get to work together.