Ministry of Hospitality/Greeters
Hospitality Ministry
Jesus says, “Whoever receives you, receives me,
And whoever receives me, receives the one who sent me”.
The Hospitality Ministry is a great opportunity to meet parishioners while serving a vital need in the celebration of the Eucharist. When you greet people at church, you are greeting each one as a child of God. You greet them not as a client, not as an inconvenience, but as another member of the body of Christ. You will be welcoming them to worship. The Ministers of Hospitality greet parishioners and guests with a welcoming smile as they distribute the bulletins, prayer cards, or other items as requested, and if necessary, directions to restroom facilities, etc. Ministers of Hospitality may assist anyone who has special needs and secure them assistance. This is a great ministry which family members can do together. We invite you to join us in our mission to cultivate a more welcoming atmosphere in the faith community of St. John Bosco Parish. Hospitality is an easy but very beautiful and important ministry in our parish and the time commitment is very minimal. You would be assigned to the Mass that you routinely attend. All you need is a welcoming attitude and a smile to greet everyone arriving for Mass. During the pandemic this Ministry had to be curtailed. We are planning to restart it in the very near future. Please consider becoming a welcoming face in our parish and enjoy the rewarding experience. If interested, please call Marie Guza at (570) 455-3874, or the parish office at (570) 788-1997, ext. 3
We would like to thank the following 18 men and women who serve in the Ministry of Hospitality at Saint John Bosco Parish. They are scheduled for the Mass that they usually attend a few times a month. They usually greet parishioners and visitors to our church, pass out the bulletins and other items and answer any questions that visitors may have. New volunteers are always wel-come to be part of this hospitality ministry. Simply call the parish office at 570-788-1997 with your name, contact information and mass that you usually attend and Marie Guza, our Hospitality Chairperson, will contact you.
Marie Guza Judy Hynes John Meier
Philip Guza Caroline Luchi Rosemary Meier
Elaine Carboni John Maholick Jo Ann Sanko
Beverly Cogan Robin Maholick Marie Sauers
Maria Damato Mary Susan Martonick Joseph Tedesco
Linda Grencavich Marge Mattioli Jean Ann Wienches
We are in dire need of greeters to serve as Ministers of Hospitality who greet parishioners and guests with a welcoming smile as they distribute bulletins, prayer cards, or other items as requested, and if necessary, directions to restroom facilities, etc. Ministers of Hospitality may assist anyone who has special needs and find them assistance. This is a great ministry that family members can do together. We invite you to join us in our mission to cultivate a more welcoming atmosphere in the faith community of Saint John Bosco parish. Hospitality is an easy but very beautiful and important ministry in our parish, and the time commitment is very minimal. You would be assigned to the Mass you attend routinely. All you need is a welcoming attitude and a smile to greet everyone arriving for Mass. Please consider becoming a welcoming face in our parish and enjoy the rewarding experience. If interested to help once a month for one-half hour, please call Marie Guza at (570) 455-3874 or the parish office at (570) 788-1997, ext. 3.