Winter Storms

Winter Storms

Winter storms kill more North Americans than tornadoes, thunderstorms, lightning, floods and hurricanes combined.

Hazard Information

Heavy snowfall and ice can make the roads treacherous and interrupt the power supply.

You can check weather and forecasts online.

Interactive maps, road conditions and driving information Coming Soon.

Check with the school board for information on cancelled classes and buses.

Check with the Ministry of Public Works & Transportation for information on snow removal services and special rules in place during a snow emergency.

Safety Tips

  • Avoid unnecessary travel

  • Wear layers of lightweight clothing, mittens and a hat (preferably one that covers your ears)

  • Wear waterproof, insulated boots to keep your feet warm and dry and to keep from slipping on ice and snow

  • Regularly check for frostbite — numbness or white areas on your face and body (ears, nose, cheeks, hands and feet in particular)

  • Avoid overexertion when shoveling snow by taking frequent breaks

  • Bring pets inside and move livestock to sheltered areas with non-frozen drinking water

If power outage results:

Prepare Now

Take the following steps so you and your family are prepared in the event of an emergency:

  • Winterize your home to retain heat:

    • insulate walls and attics;

    • caulk or weather-strip doors and windows;

    • install storm windows or cover windows with plastic

  • Get heating equipment and chimneys cleaned and inspected once a year

  • Add extra blankets and warm clothes to your emergency survival kit

Learn about different emergencies and how to be prepared.

For information about current emergencies, visit COMING SOON


Forest Fires


Extreme Heat


Nuclear Incident




Wildlife Threat

Oil & Gas

Winter Storms

Pandemic (infectious disease)

Extreme Cold

Landslides & Sinkholes

Dam Failures

Woodlandia’s Hazards

Different hazards require a different approach for being prepared and knowing how to protect yourself and your family. Learn more about Woodlandia’s hazards, so you can better prepare for them and know what to do to protect yourself.

Safety For Everyone

No two households are the same. When building your family emergency plan, be mindful of the special needs and considerations of individuals in your own household. By evaluating your unique needs, you can better prepared for any situation.

  • Seniors

  • People with disabilities

  • Children

  • Pets

Emergencies can strike anywhere, at any time.

Disaster Relief Assistance

Helps individuals, farmers, small business and non-profit organizations get back on their feet after a natural disaster.

Should you have any queries or require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us!

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