Christmas In Woodlandia

The Christmas season, also called the holiday season (often simply called the holidays), or the festive season, is an annually recurring period recognized throughout the Principality of Woodlandia that is generally starts after the second week of November to early January to celebrate Christmas or Christmastide.

Three Day's of Christmas

Date: December 24 + 25 + 26

Frequency: Annual

Instituted: 24 December 2019

Holiday Type: National

On this page

1. History

2. Three Days of Christmas

3. Christmas Eve

4. Christmas Day

5. Christmas Day After

Generic poster with a holiday message from the Principality of Woodlandia

1. History

A poster with a holiday announcement about Principality of Woodlandia government operations during the holiday season

2. Three Days of Christmas

There are three Christmas holidays celebrated throughout the Principality of Woodlandia; Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Christmas Day After. The holiday begins at 12:00am, December 24 and end at 12:00am, December 27. Since they are celebrated one day after the other, when combined, these three holidays are known as the Three Days of Christmas.

3. Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is a national holiday observed annually on December 24th. The day is traditionally observed as the before birth of Jesus, but has origins of the Winter Solstice. Festivities include, decorating homes and typically an evergreen tree with Christmas decorations, and attending gatherings for feasting and gift giving with family and friends.

4. Christmas Day

Christmas Day is a national holiday observed annually on December 25th. The day is traditionally observed as the birth of Jesus, but has origins of the Winter Solstice. Festivities include, decorating homes and typically an evergreen tree with Christmas decorations, and attending gatherings for feasting and gift giving with family and friends.

5. Christmas Day After

Christmas Day After, or simply Christmas After is a holiday celebrated the day after Christmas Day (December 26th), thus being the second day of Christmastide. Traditionally, Christmas After Day was observed as the nativity of Jesus. Today, the holiday is treated like a third day of Christmas holidays where gatherings with family and friends continue their Christmas traditions of feasting and gift giving. The holiday originated for the need of an extra day of Christmas because of the modern fast paced life and busy schedules of most citizens, giving them a day to catch up on much needed relaxation.

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