April 2022

Hello Editors!

It's time for the monthly Editors Community Newsletter!

Thank you for all your contributions and enjoy the FULL VERSION below :)

Waze Communities Team.

Editors for Eastern Europe

In recent weeks, Community members and Partners showed their true strength and came together to support the people affected by the war in Ukraine.

Editors in Poland, Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and other neighboring countries collaborated with local authorities and the Waze Crisis Response team to add refugee shelter locations to the map. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this effort.

Time for Meetups!

After 2 years of virtual Events, we were extremely excited to celebrate the return of face-to-face Meetups with the Hungarian and Italian Communities! The coming months are full of Meetups in the US, LatAm, Europe and APAC - check out the full list here and be sure to sign up! We can't wait to see you

New Editor? New Training Materials for You!

Looking to improve your Waze Map Editing skills? Want to chat with Editors in your area or get a Mentor? Check out this webpage, full of helpful materials for new Editors!

Featured Editor: fuji2086 from the US

Jason, AKA fuji2086, is the Mid-Atlantic Region Multi-State Manager for the US Community and a Beta Community member.

Jason took a short 4 year break between his first edit in 2015 and his second, in 2019, when lucky for us, he made a small mistake. Another Editor reached out to help Jason correct the mistake and invited him to join the community on Discord. After meeting the other Editors virtually, Jason was hooked.

Why 'fuji2086'? Well, when Jason was 12, he was frantically looking around the room for inspiration for a username. A pack of Fujifilm floppy disks caught his eye and he's been Fuji online ever since.

Jason is on a mission to make the world a better place, one smile and Edit at a time, and suggests that new Editors participate with their local community and feel free to ask questions. Thanks Jason!

lole Proudly Represents the Italian Community in the Media!

Maria, AKA lole from Italy, was featured in La Repubblica, a national news outlet where she discussed the Community's role in Waze and the Italian Community's significant contributions. Click here to read the article.

Communities Launching New Roads!

Two major roads were recently added to the Waze map thanks to the Community in Brazil and New Zealand:

Rodovia dos Tamoios is an old highway in the Brazilian state of São Paulo, which in part, only had a single lane for both driving directions. The road was recently expanded to accommodate both driving directions, and the Community swiftly updated the map to reflect new road conditions.

The Transmission Gully motorway, is a four-lane highway north of Wellington, New Zealand. It's been in the works since 2014, and thanks to our local Editors, Waze was the only navigation app to route Drivers through the new road when it first opened.

We want to hear from you :)

Share your community's story, be featured in an upcoming newsletter or tell us what you think about this newsletter in this form!