Waze Editors

Community Newsletter

July 2019

Hello Editors!

Waze communities are doing amazing things - read all about them in the 3rd edition of our communities newsletter!

Thanks for reading and keep us updated about the awesome things you do!

Israel’s masters of mapping

Israel’s leading news site, Ynet, ran a story about the Israeli editor community - the first Waze community ever! The article examines what motivates our Israeli community by showcasing the stories of two community map editors, the reasons for their volunteering, and the sense of pride they get from pitching in and helping out. The reporter ties this to "Israeli values" like mutual assistance, while positioning Waze's status as a source of local pride. (It’s in Hebrew, so Google Translate will come in handy).

Saving kids in the Ukraine

The Ukrainian Waze community is taking part in the "Traffic Challenge" - a national program focused on prevention of traffic injuries among children and youth. Working with authorities the community will add a hundred danger zones to the map, placing a permanent hazard alert so drivers are warned when approaching. You can check out a news TV report about the program and the community’s participation.

Malaysian community on the rise!

The Malaysian community is putting a lot of effort into growing and strengthening its ranks - with great results. The community added 6 new area managers after a MapRaid in the state of Penang. It also recruited four new editors through the media: Yus, one of the community’s leaders, gave an interview which ran in several digital publications & local newspaper (Marketing in Asia, Careta, Funtasticko & New Sabah Times). Another interview by an editor named Paul was published on carsifu. This media exposure led to an influx of new editors who are eager to learn.

Philippines:number coding added

Thanks to the local community, Philippino drivers can avoid annoying fines for driving in license plate restricted roads. To battle congestion, some metros in the country allow drivers to use certain roads only on specific days, based on their license plate number. The community recently finished incorporating the number coding scheme into the maps of Metro Manila, Cavite, and Baguio, enabling drivers to add their plate numbers and to be routed accordingly. Kudos!

Mexico: LATAM summit champ

Santiago Vellez, one of Mexico’s leading Waze champs, went on stage on the second day of the Latin America partnerships summit in Mexico City. He gave a detailed explanation about the community, the value it can provide to partners, and answered a lot of questions from the audience. Over 200 government and city officials from all over LATAM were in attendance, listening attentively to his engaging presentation. You can watch it here, starting in the 6 Hour 31 Minute mark.

Waze Map Editors Survey

And last but not least: We want to better understand your needs and how satisfied you are with the Editors Community.

We’d appreciate it if you could answer this short (less than two minutes) survey. For your convenience, we have translated the survey to 4 languages:

We'd love to hear your feedback and — even better — more stories! Reach out to your community leaders and share your community's achievements.