A: Inquiring and Analysing

A2: identify and prioritize primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem

Command Terms

Types of Research

Primary Research

This is research that you do and involves data you collect.  Examples could include:

Secondary Research

This is research that someone else has done. You are using their research to inform and understand. Examples could include:

Important note about Primary and Secondary Research

As a designer, you are expected to include both Primary and Seconday research in your your research plan. 

Creating a Research Plan

In Year 5 (Grade 9 and 10) MYP design at BHA we use a table to record our research plan. Your table should include all the sections completed below. 

The most important section is the question - asking good questions will give you useful, valuable, and relevant answers that you can use to understand your design context.


Identify the importance of the information you are going to research. Use the following 


Indicate whether your research is Primary or Secondary. You need to include examples of Primary AND Secondary Research


You need to identify what you need to know. Start by asking these questions:

*Remember, your research does NOT include the analysis of existing products (You will do that in A3)

User Research Questions

View these resources for guides on conducting user interviews and user research

Categories of questions could include:


Describe why this research is necessary or important. Remember to connect it to the design context. Use 1-2 sentences

Summarize your findings

List the key findings from your research here. Only include key points that will be useful in your design.

You can use bullet points if you like.

Use an additional page if you need additional space to show graphics, images, or charts.


Cite your sources using the MLA style.