
Plain Prinia

學名:Prinia inornata


習性:出現於中低海拔到海岸地帶的高草叢、蘆葦叢和灌叢及稻田, 與灰頭鷦鶯的棲地有重疊,但分佈更為廣泛。台江地區於各種適合棲地經常可見。牠們的身形跟褐頭鷦鶯近似,都是芒草叢環境常見的鳥種,不擅於長距離飛行,俗稱「芒噹丟仔」。

Habits: High grasses, reeds, shrubs, and paddy fields appearing at low to mid-altitude to coastal areas overlap with the habitat of the grey-headed warbler, but are more widely distributed. The Taijiang area is often seen in various suitable habitats. Their body shape is similar to that of the brown-headed wren, and they are common bird species in the environment of miscanthus. They are not good at flying long distances.