Welcome to Survivor: Educator Edition. By this time, you've likely come to the realization that this survival phase is no joke! It's very real and it makes an already difficult job even harder. Don't lose sight that this is just part of the predictable cycle of the teaching year. 

Continue to put relationships and care at the top of your To-Do list and really reach out to your support system when you feel the need to. Ground yourself in your WHY. What drew you to this profession? What do you hope to accomplish for yourself and your students? What drives you? When you can reconnect to your purpose, you can call on those resiliency reserves that will help push you through.

As you work through this month, consider the following suggestions to help you better navigate the Survival Phase of the school year.

Explore Chapter 2 of The Beginning Teacher's Field Guide for more detailed support for the Survival Phase of the school year. Consider including some of these as the topic of conversation during your weekly mentor/mentee meeting.

Read pages 41-48 for Self-Care Practices for the Survival Phase and visit our Resiliency Booster pages for additional resources throughout the year.

Reconnecting to Your Purpose

Take time every day to remind yourself of the reasons you chose this profession. It might seem silly, but it's actually a very powerful practice to get into the habit of. When you are intentional about reconnecting to why you chose education as your career, you tap into the pools of motivation, passion, and purpose that feed into resiliency.

Here are some resources to support you in this very important work.

Looking for Inspiration?

Daily reminders of why your work is important? Why teaching is transformational and transformative? Look no further. Click on any one of these videos to get a dose of positivity and support.

General Tips for Staying Grounded During the Surival Phase of the Year