Positive Self-Perception

Having a strong sense of who we are, and liking that person, is one element that contributes to our ability to bounce back from life's many challenges. High self-esteem and positive self-perception help us avoid getting crushed by the bumps and roadblocks of life and motivate us to keep moving forward, even when we don't feel like we can. If we maintain a positive sense of who we are and our abilities, we can lift ourselves up above the darkness. But, when we allow our minds to give in to the negativity and create negative self-talk and self-imagery, we can end up creating self-fulfilling prophecies that suck us into dangerous vortexes. Being aware of the power of a positive self-perception can help us create "attitude adjustment" plans for those times when we need to activate them and keep us moving forward.

Read more about the disposition of positive self-perception in Onward, Chapter 6, pages 169-170, and refer to the resources below.

The idea of "fake it 'til you make it" does carry some weight!

Watch this TedxUCDavis video on why we get stuck so much easier in the negatives....and how to get unstuck.

Positive self-talk can help lead you to value yourself more. Watch this video to see how a simple act can make a big difference.

Check out this follow-up video to see how your own self-talk can positively impact others.