Be a Learner

This month, we tackle the idea of "learning about learning so that we can learn." Say that 10 times without getting lost in there! February's habit looks at cultivating resilience through exploring who we are as learners.

We've hit the mid-point of the year and we're certain that you've had many opportunities to facilitate learning with your students as well as find yourself in the learner stance. If you haven't done so in a while, take some to sit and ponder - Think of where you started and where you're at, right now. The tremendous amount of learning you've already attained, all of your growth. And I bet you're thinking, "Yeah, but I still have so many questions!" And guess what? This is normal! As educators, our learning never ends. 

But have you really thought about how the role of learner adds to your resilience reserves? As you develop a deeper understanding of your own learning development, you will grow as a teacher, you will see challenges as opportunities for gaining new knowledge. This enables us to find solutions more easily, and this can open all kinds of resilience-building doors.

Explore the resources below for more information on how.

Explore Chapter 9, pages 221-242, of Onward: Cultivating Emotional Resilience in Educators for more detailed support for this month's habit of be a learner

Consider including some of these as the topic of conversation during your weekly mentor/mentee meeting.

Setting the Stage for Learning

Before we can benefit from learning, we have to set the stage for doing so. What mindsets enhance our abilities to learn? How do we know what we don't know? How can we monitor our own learning growth? These resources explore this idea in greater depth. 


There's Always Something New To Learn!

Once you have a clearer understanding of who you are as a learner and where your opportunities for growth are, then the real fun begins! The resources below might support you in building some new dendrites!