Are the butterflies fluttering in overtime? Are you changing your first day plans every 5 minutes? Do you already have your "first day outfit" picked out and ready to go? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be a new teacher experiencing the ANTICIPATION of the first day of your first year of teaching!

This phase often begins before the school year even starts and lasts through the first few weeks of school. It is characterized by feelings of excitement and fear about having your own classroom, working with new colleagues, and the opportunity to impact the lives of your students.

The Positive Benefits of Anticipation

Tips and Strategies for Maintaining Those Good Feelings

Plant Yourself

Keep your excitement and positive mindset going strong by reaching out to your marigolds for support at the FIRST sign of stress! Don't wait to ask for help. The minute you think it would be a good idea to talk something through, reach out!

Set A FEW Goals

New teachers, (ok, all teachers really), have a deep desire to do everything all at once. And while it's good to have goals, too many goals will burn you out before you ever gain momentum. Feed those feelings of anticipation by choosing a few very doable goals to start and then working your way up from there.

Tell Me Somethin' Good!

The first days and weeks will be a whirlwind of activities and emotions. There will be times when you feel overwhelmed-and that is completely normal! The secret is to not let those negative feelings take the wing out of your positivity sails! Consider creating a practice where you intentionally look for the good stuff that happened during the day, even if at first you don't think that's possible.

Look, Ask, Listen.

One veteran shares his opinion with new teachers regarding how he sees building community and student relationships in much the same way he does dating. Intrigued? Read on-you won't be sorry!