Riding the Waves of Change

“Change is the one thing we can count on, and when we encounter it, we can harness our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energies, and direct them where they will make the biggest difference. Perseverance, patience, and courage will help us manage change.” 

–Elena Aguilar

Resilient people are tenacious. Facing and conquering life’s challenges fuels and strengthens our resiliency. When those massive waves of change crash into us, our resilience helps us right our ship and bring it safely to shore. We thrive in this calm after the storm as it feeds our resilience reserves, makes us feel good, and gives us the much-needed time to prepare for the next wave. Change is the one thing that is guaranteed to happen. Our work is in determining how to steer our vessels through the inevitable. 

So, what do we do to better equip ourselves for change? How do we shift from feelings of defensiveness to leadership in order to grow opportunities out of change? Explore the strategies below for recommendations on how we can "ride the waves of change" to feed our resilience, not wash it away.

Explore Chapter 11, pages 267-284, of Onward: Cultivating Emotional Resilience in Educators for more detailed support for this month's habit of riding the waves of change

Consider including some of these as the topic of conversation during your weekly mentor/mentee meeting.

Understanding That Change Happens

The first step to effectively dealing with change is by developing a better understanding of the unavoidable truth that change happens.

How Do YOU View Change?

Your personal viewpoint on change and how to deal with the inevitable have a direct and profound impact on how you are affected by life's challenges.