
What led you to this profession? Why, out of all the possible career paths that you could have chosen, did you make the decision to become an educator? For some of us, this may be an easy question to answer because we've never thought of doing anything else. For others, the answer may be more difficult to compose because of the winding roads that brought us here. Whatever your answer to this question is, somewhere within it lies a driving force, a touchstone that you can reach back and connect to when times get tough. The ability to lean back into your why is a skill of the resilient. 

This month, Onward focuses on the disposition of purposefulness in connection with the habit of knowing yourself. When you have clarity in both, you have the ability to take on life's challenges with positivity and determination, no matter how tough things might get. Explore the resources below to help you re-evaluate your why.

Explore Chapter 1, pages 40-43, of Onward: Cultivating Emotional Resilience in Educators for more detailed support for this month's disposition of purposefulness

Consider including some of these as the topic of conversation during your weekly mentor/mentee meeting.

Why Do I Need A Purpose?

What Is Your Why? 

Summer offers the time and distance needed to reflect back on the year and to evaluate how well you are aligning your work and your efforts to living your purpose. If you have lost sight of your why or you need to re-evaluate it, check out the resources below to help support you in this work. 

Sometimes your why comes to you in the most unexpected of circumstances.

An absolutely beautiful story about how one woman took a passion and turned it into her "porpoise" in life. You'll just have to watch to figure that one out!