Phases of New Teachers' Attitudes Towards Teaching

TR NTS Phases of Teaching One-Pager.pdf

Many aspects of life occur in phases. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary sets forth one definition of phase as “a distinguishable part in a course, development, or cycle.” In the teaching profession, this is a truth that we all experience whether we're a first year teacher or a teacher nearing the end of our career. These phases are predictable patterns of behavior and attitudes, which all teachers go through, based on the time of the year. This is great news because if you can predict something, you can plan for it! If you know a particular time of the year may present some unique challenges for you, then you can pre-plan strategies and support to help you navigate those waters. 

The work we do through New Teacher Support is grounded in the research behind these phases. We will be walking this journey with you, through all of the phases. Now, not everyone will experience these in the exact same way, but the skills and strategies that we will share with you throughout the school year are designed to support all educators, wherever you are in your journey


Explore the pages below for information specific to each phase.