Building Community

We are all social beings. The power of connection is essential to our ability to face tough situations and remain resilient. We have more than just “feelings” to support this, we have research. You cannot thrive unless you’re in healthy relationships (Sarason, Sarason, Hacker, and Basham, 1995). This applies to all levels-relationships with our peers, relationships with and between our students, and relationships with our students' families. The research is clear: Teachers don’t leave strong communities and children thrive in strong communities. Building community is a key element of building resiliency. And this work can’t just be a part of our back-to-school work, it MUST be a part of our EVERYDAY work.

Explore the resources on this page as you continue to build community this month.

Explore Chapter 4 of Onward: Cultivating Emotional Resilience in Educators for more detailed support for this month's habit of building community. Consider including some of these as the topic of conversation during your weekly mentor/mentee meeting.

Read pages 95-120 for  more detailed information on topics such as the power community-building has on your resilience and the resilience of your students, the roles that communication, conflict,  and cultural competence play in building healthy communities, and how to handle fear if it appears as a roadblock to community-building.

What's the Big Deal About Community Anyway?

The fact that you're taking time to build community is an important first step. How you're building community is even more important. Explore these resources to help you make intentional decisions as you work to create healthy relationships within the classroom. 

Don't Forget Your Teacher Community!

Nobody understands the experiences of a teacher like another teacher. It is vital that while you work to build a strong classroom community, you find ways to build a strong teacher community as well. Hint: Start with your marigolds!

Everything We Do Can Create or Destroy Community

From understanding the power of body language to considerations around building our cultural competency, so many factors can help or hinder our ability to build strong communities if we don't take notice.