Resiliency Resources

Resiliency is our ability to bounce back after we get knocked down. As educators, we have to be intentional in cultivating and building our resiliency so that we can better support ourselves, our students, and one another. Explore the resiliency resources below to support this work.

Whether you are a first-year teacher, a 15-year veteran, or an educator nearing retirement, there is no escaping the truth that the work we do is tough. It is some of the toughest work of any profession. It is constantly changing and challenging us to change with it to meet the diverse needs of our student population. Our ability to weather these storms, to rebound after difficult experiences, and use what we have learned from this to make ourselves better and stronger-that is RESILIENCE. Years of research has proven that this is a key strategy of all successful teachers.   

Resiliency is not a fixed trait. It’s not something that you either have or you don’t. It’s a completely learnable skill. As a new teacher support team, we have made it a priority to address cultivating this skill in the work we do with you, your mentors, and your administrators. 

Our resiliency work is based on the book Onward, by Elena Aguilar. Each new teacher, mentor, and site admin will receive a copy. 

Onward Resources

Here's a quick introduction to Elena and her work. She has a companion website filled with additional resiliency supports. We will be sharing many of those with all of you throughout the year.

Onward Self-Assessment Resources

In the same way we assess our students for evidence of academic growth, we should be assessing ourselves for evidence of how well we're taking care of our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. We need that data in order to create well-being structures that keep us healthy and strong throughout the school year. The Energy Check-In and Habits & Dispositions Self-Assessment are two data points that we should be accessing on a regular basis to help us with this work.

Copy of Energy-Check-In (1).pdf

States of Energy Check-In 


Easy Definitions of Habits and Dispositions


Habits and Dispositions Self-Assessment

Monthly Resources

Each month, we will focus on a habit and disposition meant to build and cultivate educator resiliency. They will be introduced in the monthly newsletter and then interwoven into all of the communication and work we do with teachers, mentors, and site admin. Use the links below to help you navigate to the specific resources for each habit and disposition.

You will also find additional resources posted here to support resiliency work throughout the school year.