When we hear the word, trust, our mind often defaults to the concept of trusting others and the experiences we've had in regards to people honoring or breaking those bonds. This month's disposition, though, really focuses more on the trust we have in ourselves and our own abilities to honor those beliefs.

Resilient people trust themselves, they trust the processes we all go through in life, and they often trust in "something" greater than themselves. They work to navigate life's challenges with grace, gratitude, and a mindset of growth. Explore the resources below to learn more about the power of believing in yourself and your abilities in building your educator resilience .

Explore Chapter 12, pages 308-309, of Onward: Cultivating Emotional Resilience in Educators for more detailed support for this month's disposition of trust. 

Consider including some of these as the topic of conversation during your weekly mentor/mentee meeting.

Trusting Yourself

We are our own best cheerleader and our own worst critic. Both roles have worth and power if we grow to trust those voices in our heads, and if those voices are built on our own knowledge of self. Outside voices can drain our resilience reserves. Work to intentionally quiet those voices and dial up the volume on our own voice of self-worth. The resources below focus on the power of trusting ourselves.

Trusting the Process

In the midst of life's challenges, it can seem impossible to trust that we will eventually get to the other side. If we intentionally cultivate this disposition, though, we can eventually grow an attitude that supports this idea. We may not know how things will turn out. They may turn out better than we could imagine, or they might hand us the most difficult journey of our life. But if we trust that we will somehow find the strength to keep putting one foot in front of the other to navigate those obstacles, we will eventually come out on the other side with life lessons learned and resilience reserves filled. Read more about "trusting the process" below.