Skills, Strengths, and Aptitudes

What are those things that just seem to come naturally to you? What skills do people constantly compliment you on? Are you so passionate about something that you don't think you'll ever get tired of learning more about it? As you explore how your unique strengths, aptitudes, and skills contribute to your identity, consider these supporting resources.

Free Self-Discovery Assessments

Onward Journaling Activities

Aptitudes and Interests from Onward Workbook.pdf

Aptitudes & Interests

A journaling activity that leads you through looking at both your at-work and at-home strengths. What are the overlaps? How does one inform another?

Aptitudes_ An Inquiry Experience.pdf

Aptitudes: An Inquiry Experience

Sometimes it helps to have an outside view. This activity leads you through asking for the input of a small group of people who know you well as you explore your strengths and aptitudes.

How Do I Learn.pdf

How Do I Learn?

Use this journal activity to take a deeper look at how you learn. If there are areas where you excel, accentuate those whenever possible. Look to your areas of growth as a springboard for advocating for your learning needs.