September 2021

September's Marigolds Are...

Our amazing New Hire Academy partners! 

Your collaborative contributions, positivity, and craftsmanship were key to welcoming and preparing our new certificated staff with the knowledge, tools, and strategies needed to get them moving in the right direction. We could not do this work each year without this bouquet of marigolds, and their continued new teacher support throughout the year is even more important. Thank you for all you do to support Twin Rivers' newest educators!

English Learner Services

Big thanks go out to our partners in the English Learner Services Department. Beverley Weber, Timothy Tibbs, Tangie Crates, and Yareli Ramirez Paredes worked with all TK-12 teachers to expand their understanding of what being an English Learner in Twin Rivers really means. 

We also asked them to share their best new teacher advice in a sentence or two. Read below to see what wisdom they had to share.

"Some days may be overwhelming but focus on the little victories to get you through and always know you make a difference." 

-Timothy Tibbs

"Take a few minutes every day to reflect on your experiences. Celebrate what went well!" 

-Beverly Weber

"Your first years can feel like a roller coaster ride but if you hang on it is all worth it when you realize how important you are to your students." 

-Tangie Crates

"The first couple of weeks may feel overwhelming, but pay close attention to the smiles and laughter of your students. That will make it all worth it!" 

- Yareli Ramirez Paredes 

Information and Educational Technology Services

Big thanks go out to our partners in the Information and Educational Technology Services Department. This team stepped up to support laptop and swag bag distribution starting mid-July....and hasn't stopped! They've continued to help new teachers with their ed-tech needs as we transition into the beginning of the school year. Invaluable support that keeps on giving! 

We asked this team to share their best new teacher TECH advice in ONE sentence. Read below to see what wisdom they had to share.

Phil  Villamayor

Alex Stafford

Brian Thomas

Gustavo Banuelos

Matt Salts

Please remember to (Reboot) power off and on your computer when you experience any technical issues. 

Special Education Services

Big thanks go out to our partners in the Special Education Services Department. This team worked to support both certificated General Education and Special Education staff gain a better understanding of special education student needs and the services available to them. Important procedures and processes were also introduced.  

We asked this team to share their best new teacher advice in a sentence or two. Read below to see what wisdom they had to share.

"All kids can learn. We just need to find out how they learn, provide them with the supports they need, and help them see the why of what they are learning." 

-Carrie Cooper

"Know that there are many resources and people to help if you are in need, so it’s okay to ask questions!" 

-Julie Marion 

"Remember to stay positive, recognize your students' strengths as you encourage them to learn to recognize their own strengths."  

 -Gayle Green 

"There is no greater reward than teaching the future. Each student’s uniqueness and strengths is what makes teaching challenging, yet so rewarding." 

-Anjanette Toy  

"This will be the most difficult, challenging thing you will ever do.  It will push you to your limits as a person.  It will almost break you.  Teaching will also be the most beautiful, rewarding, and life-altering thing that has ever happened to you." 

-Hillary Herrenschmidt 

"Your first year will feel like riding a rollercoaster- many highs, a few dips, and several thrills. Just remember, you’re not in it alone- find your Marigolds, connect with New Teacher Support and lean on your Mentor. WE are better together."  

-Lindsay Rasmussen 

School Leadership

School Leadership joined us throughout the week to show their support for new teachers. Dr. KJ Rhoads, Director of Instructional Implementation and New Teacher Support helped us welcome everyone on Day 1 of Academy Week and then presented an Equity and Responsive Teaching session Thursday with a team including Christine Flok, Coordinator of MTSS. This session supported teachers in building the mindset needed to see their teaching through the lens of Equity/Culturally Responsive practices. Teachers also explored the connections and overlap between UDL and Culturally Responsive Teaching strategies how to integrate those into daily lessons. 

We asked this team to share their best new teacher advice in a sentence or two. Read below to see what wisdom they had to share.

"Remember to have FUN! These are kids, fun and laughter go a long way." -KJ Rhoads

Professional Development, Health Services, and Arts & Career Education

Teamwork makes the dream work! 

Thank you to Jamie Manalo and Katria Butler for their support with New Hire Academy registration, organizing and supporting laptop and new teacher swag bag pick-ups. For fielding phone calls, emails and all manner of S.O.S calls before, during, and after Academy Week. You were the foundation that held us all up and we could not have done this without you!

Thank you to Jasmin Martinez, Arts Integration TOSA, for joining our support team this year and for sharing a first-day/first-week arts integration lesson with new teachers that opened the door to some amazing conversations about art, identity, culture, student engagement, and academic success. We look forward to working with you throughout the year!

Thank you Tamar Jorgensen, Nurse, Health Services, for joining us to review best practices and answer questions as new teachers prepared for a full return to the classroom in a pandemic school year. Your knowledge and patience were so very appreciated! Thank you for all you do to keep us safe!

Until Next Year....