Play and Create

There is no question in the mind of any educator- play and creative opportunities are powerful engagement and development tools for students. And if you ask most teachers, they will likely tell you their students need more time, not less time, for play and creativity. There is a large body of research that supports their assertions, but did you know that research also shows that play and creativity are just as important for adults as they are for children? These moments relieve stress, improve relationships, improve brain function, stimulate the brain to boost deeper creativity, and keeps us feeling young and energetic.

So if play and creativity are so good for us, why aren’t we doing more of them both? Explore the resources below as you work to find intentional ways to incorporate more play and creativity into your day!

Explore Chapter 10, pages 247-261, of Onward: Cultivating Emotional Resilience in Educators for more detailed support for this month's habit of play and create

Consider including some of these as the topic of conversation during your weekly mentor/mentee meeting.

Why Adults Need Play, Too!

What's Your Play Personality?

Have you ever thought about your play personality? Why did you spend so many hours as a child playing the way you did? How do you choose your adult versions of those joys? Take a few moments to explore the resources below if you are curious about the answers to these questions and many more!

Play Doesn't Have to Be Complicated

Some aspects of our definition of play have likely changed as we've matured and experienced this crazy thing called adulthood. But, many of us may still find moments of joy in our childhood versions of play. If you're sitting here thinking, "I don't play anymore," take a few moments to look through these articles. Consider refining or completely changing your definition of play. Play doesn't have to be complicated, but the research is pretty clear - for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being you should be finding ways to weave play back into your life.

The Benefits of Creativity

Play and creativity really go hand-in-hand. Play opens up doors for exploring your creative side. And as you find yourself immersed in creative opportunities, you find yourself tapping more into your sense of play and maybe finding new forms of play to explore. As with play, the benefits of creative expression, in all it's forms, are hard to deny.

Getting Creative

What's your favorite creative outlet? How do you tap into this resource on a regular basis? The same message applies here as it did to play-boosting your creativity does NOT have to be complicated. Sometimes we just need to shift our mental models a bit to recognize all of the tiny moments throughout the day where we can tap into our creativity. Hopefully the articles below will give you a jump start on that work....and then you can just get creative!

Getting Creative Through COLORING

Getting Creative Through SPONTANEOUS DOODLING

Getting Creative Through MINDFUL DRAWING like the ZENTANGLE METHOD

Getting Creative Through ARTS & CRAFTS