
As you explore your unique patterned body of habits, traits, attitudes, thoughts, and preferences use these resources to build a better understanding of how they work to shape your identity.

What Is Personality?

All you have to do is type "personality tests" into your Google search to see the sheer number of options out there. Below we share information on some of the more popular theories on personality and how you can discover your personality measure for each. Keep in mind that many of these assessments give you an "all or nothing" option and we know that in the real world, things lie more along a continuum of many shades of grey.


Probably the best known of the personality theories, this idea was developed by a mother-daughter duo based on their work with Carl Jung's theory of personality types. Read below for more information on these 16 personality types and how you can determine your 4-letter personality indicator.

A funny take on the 16 different personalities. Or do you find it annoying? Hmmm.....

What's Your Type?

Another personality theory is based on the work of a pair of cardiologists back in the 1950s who were interested in the effects of personality types on cardiovascular health. Explore more about this theory of Type A-D below.

The Big 5

Also known as The 5 Factor Model, this theory on personality supports the idea that there are five broad personality categories that all humans fit into to some degree. The videos and links here will help you explore this idea further.

Why Know Your Personality Type?

Knowing your personality type has many advantages. Check out the articles below to explore just a few of those.

Introvert or Extrovert?

Probably the most impactful knowledge to have concerning your personality type in regards to your work as an educator is whether you are an introvert or extrovert. 

In Defense of Extroverts TED Talk

The Power of Introverts TED Talk 

Introvert, Extrovert, or Ambivert: Which One Are You?