Coordinate classes

These pages and classes relate to point coordinates and coordinate systems: 

Coordinate types A summary of coordinate types , the corrections applied, and conversions between them

tsc_Cogo Static methods that are used in coordinate geometry calculations.

tsc_CogoConstants Constant values useful for Cogo functionality.

tsc_CogoEnvironment An environment class used to hold context that affects coordinate geometry calculations and conventions.

tsc_AverageResults A class containing the result of a point average calculation.

tsc_AreaResults A class containing the result of an area calculation.

tsc_InverseResults A class containing the result of an inverse calculation.

tsc_Point A named coordinate stored in the database.

tsc_PointMethod An enum describing how a point was measured.

tsc_RawCircle A raw total station measurement.

tsc_CorrectedCircle A total station measurement corrected for atmosphere and prism.

tsc_UnorientedCircle A total station measurement corrected for everything except orientation.

tsc_Ecef An ECEF position.

tsc_EcefDeltas An ECEF position expressed as a delta from an ECEF base coordinate.

tsc_Grid A grid position.

tsc_GridDeltas A grid position expressed as a delta from a grid coordinate.

tsc_Local A ellipsoidal coordinate defined on the local ellipsoid.

tsc_Wgs84 A WGS84 coordinate as a latitude, longitude and height.

tsc_Polar A standard polar coordinate.

tsc_StationOffset A station and offset along a transformation line.