
This class is used in conjunction with the tsc_TreeListControl and tsc_Form to provide additional information when an event occurs.

The members in this class are only set for the form OnClick, OnSelectionChange, and OnFieldCompleted events.  Outside of these event handlers the returned fields may contain unexpected values.

Public members

tsc_UiTreeItem  Item;

This is a reference to the item that generated the event.  That is, the line in the control that the user interacted with, such as clicking it.  This member references the same item that was originally added to the tsc_UiTree.

int   Column;

The column that was clicked or edited, zero being the leftmost column.  Sometimes the column cannot be determined, such as when the user uses the keyboard to generate the event, and in such cases the Column will contain -1.

int   Row;

The zero-based index of the top-level row that contains the item.