
MTAs (Mean Turned Angles) are observations which are made from the average of the 'turned angles' from the backsight to a known point.   The observations used all "belong" to a single station and any target differences are taken into account.

Each MTA consists of the following:


tsc_Mta (tsc_Station& station, tsc_Point& known, const double& backBearing);

Constructs an MTA for the specified point observed from the specified station with backbearing. 

Public methods

tsc_Point Known;

The known gridable position.

tsc_Station Station;

The station that was the MTA observations were measured from.

tsc_Target Target;

The target that the point was observed with.

tsc_Residuals MtaResiduals;

Computed residuals of the MTA observation to the known coordinate.

tsc_BacksightList UsedBacksights;

A list of the observations that were combined to create the MTA.

double BackBearing;

The backbearing that represents the azimuth from the station to the backsight point.

double HorzCircle;

The Mean Turned Angle from the backsight to the known point in terms of Face 1.

double VertCircle;

The mean vertical circle of the observations.

double EdmDistance;

The mean slope distance of the observations.

double HorzCircleStdErr;

The standard deviation of the Mean Turned Angle.

double VertCircleStdErr;

The standard deviation of the vertical angles.

double EdmDistanceStdErr;

The standard deviation of the slope distances.

int NumberOfHAngles;

int NumberOfVAngles;

int NumberOfDistances;

The number of observations involved in each dimension.