
Note: This documentation does not correctly reflect the API with the newer 3D map.

This enum describes the current state of the marquee while it is being dragged.  The image to the right shows the marquee, a dotted rectangle, in selection mode where points b131, b132, and b133 are about to be selected.

This value is available during the tsc_JobMap::OnPaint event, since an OnPaint is generated for every pixel that the corner of the marquee is dragged.  The OnPaint reasons parameter will also indicate a marquee drag by having the tsc_JobMapPaintMarquee bit turned on.

Unless the plugin is performing special actions when the marquee is dragged, this OnPaint reason can be ignored.  That is, unchanged layer images can be set and there is no need to recreate the images.

enum tsc_MarqueeMode

tsc_JobMapMarqueeOff = 0,







The marquee is not being dragged by the user.


The marquee is currently being dragged around an area which will be zoomed into when the mouse button is released.


The marquee is currently being dragged around an area which will be used to size a zoom-out.


The marquee is currently being dragged to produce a rectangle, inside which the selection status of entities will be inverted.