tsc_PointStakeout enumerations

enum tsc_StakeoutTextOptions

Provides a set of bit-encoded values used to control some aspects of text display on the stakeout navigation display.  Multiple values are combined using the OR (|) operator but note that with C++ this returns an int which must be cast back to the correct type, for example:

tsc_StakeoutTextOptions opt = (tsc_StakeoutTextOptions) (tsc_StakeoutTextLeft | tsc_StakeoutTextLarger);


tsc_StakeoutTextNone    = 0,

Value for no options.

tsc_StakeoutTextLeft    = 1,

Aligns the value to the left of the text panel.  By default, values are aligned to the right.

tsc_StakeoutTextSmaller = 2,

Displays value in a font which is smaller than the default.

tsc_StakeoutTextLarger  = 4,

Displays the value in a font that is larger than the default.