
This class is used to hold GNSS measurement tilt information that was captured at the time of measurement.  This information is retained so that it can be supplied to a tsc_GnssObservation for database storage.  Note that this is not the tilt that is recorded in the tsc_GnssPrecisions object, these values are the measurements of a tilted pole as part of a deliberate workflow.

An instance of this class can be retrieved from an existing database point (see tsc_Point) or from a GNSS measurement function.

Public members

Does this precisions record hold any data.  This is not a database presence test.

bool Exists() const;

The pitch in radians.

double Pitch () const;

The pitch standard deviation in radians.

double PitchStdDeviation  () const;

The roll in radians.

double Roll () const;

The roll standard deviation in radians.

double RollStdDeviation () const;

The yaw in radians.

double Yaw () const;

The yaw standard deviation in radians.

double YawStdDeviation () const;

The measure of confidence in the magnetic direction.  This is a value from 0-99 where 0 represents a very high confidence and 99 a very poor (or uncalibrated) one.

int MagneticDirectionDisturbance () const;

The measure of confidence in the magnetic magnitude.  This is a value from 0-99 where 0 represents a very high confidence and 99 a very poor (or uncalibrated) one.

int MagneticStrengthDisturbance () const