tsc_PointStakeoutStoreEventArgs (custom records)

Available in SC version 2.10 and higher.

It is possible to add custom sub-records to a point at the time it is being stored by point stakeout.

There is an opportunity to add custom XML to the point when this event handler is being called:
void tsc_PointStakeout::OnBeforePointStored (tsc_PointStakeoutStoreEventArgs& eventArgs);

The eventArgs parameter contains the AddCustomSubRecord method that is used to store the custom sub-records with the point.

Public method

void AddCustomSubRecord (tsc_DatabaseCustomType& type);
This method adds custom XML data to the point when it is stored.  If the point fails to be stored for any reason, the custom data will be lost.

Supply a custom type subclass which contains the type information, the data to be stored, and a Serialize method to create the XML structure.

If the Reviewable member is true, this custom XML (plus any other reviewable objects that are stored with the point) will be visible in the General Survey Job Review window when the point record is expanded.