
This is the base class for all attribute types and it can only exist as a subclass.  The various subclasses represent attributes in a feature library of various data types, such as integer, text, numeric, etc.

Public methods

tsc_LibraryAttribute (const tsc_LibraryAttribute&);.

The copy constructor makes a new object that references the same attribute.

tsc_LibraryAttribute& operator= (const tsc_LibraryAttribute&);

The assignment operator makes a reference to the same object.

tsc_String Name () const;

Returns the name of the attribute.

tsc_AttributeEntryMode EntryMode () const;

Returns the entry mode of the attribute.  This should be queried to determine whether the user must input a value for this attribute, or whether it is read-only, automatically generated, etc.

tsc_AttributeType Type () const;

Returns the data type of the attribute.  The attribute stored with the database entity must be of the same type.

bool IsNull () const;

Returns true if this is a valid attribute object.  A false value means the method used to obtain this attribute has failed.

tsc_LibIntegerAttribute AsIntegerAttribute () const;

Returns this (the base class) attribute as a tsc_LibIntegerAttribute.  If the tsc_LibraryAttribute is not an integer, the function will fail.

tsc_LibNumberAttribute AsNumberAttribute () const;

Returns this (the base class) attribute as a tsc_LibNumberAttribute.  If the tsc_LibraryAttribute is not a number, the function will fail.

tsc_LibTextAttribute AsTextAttribute () const;

Returns this (the base class) attribute as a tsc_LibTextAttribute.  If the tsc_LibraryAttribute is not a text value, the function will fail.

tsc_LibListAttribute AsListAttribute () const;

Returns this (the base class) attribute as a tsc_LibListAttribute.  If the tsc_LibraryAttribute is not a list, the function will fail.

tsc_LibDateAttribute AsDateAttribute () const;

Returns this (the base class) attribute as a tsc_LibDateAttribute.  If the tsc_LibraryAttribute is not a date, the function will fail.

tsc_LibTimeAttribute AsTimeAttribute () const;

Returns this (the base class) attribute as a tsc_LibTimeAttribute.  If the tsc_LibraryAttribute is not a time, the function will fail.

tsc_LibFileAttribute AsFileAttribute () const;

Returns this (the base class) attribute as a tsc_LibFileAttribute.  If the tsc_LibraryAttribute is not a file path, the function will fail.

tsc_LibPhotoAttribute AsPhotoAttribute () const;

Returns this (the base class) attribute as a tsc_LibPhotoAttribute.  If the tsc_LibraryAttribute is not a photograph, the function will fail.