
This class implements a simple Unicode (strictly speaking, UTF-16) string object.

It's primary use is to convert between UTF-8 strings, which the Survey Core API uses extensively, and "wide" unicode strings that many Windows API methods require.

Example - calling a "wide" Windows API function using tsc_Strings

bool SetEnvironmentVar (tsc_String name, tsc_String value) 


     return ::SetEnvironmentVariableW (

              tsc_UniString(name).ToCharacters(),  tsc_UniString(value).ToCharacters() ); 


tsc_UniString ();                                           Constructs an empty string.

tsc_UniString (const tsc_UniString& uniStr); Constructs a unicode string from a tsc_UniString.

tsc_UniString (const tsc_String& s);          Constructs a unicode string from a tsc_String.

tsc_UniString (const wchar_t*  s);              Constructs a unicode string from a pointer to a wide string.

tsc_UniString (wchar_t c);                              Constructs a unicode string from a wide character.


tsc_UniString&  operator = (const tsc_UniString& uniStr); Assignment from a tsc_UniString.

tsc_UniString&  operator = (const tsc_String& str);       Assignment from a tsc_String.

tsc_UniString&  operator = (wchar_t c);                   Assignment from a wide character.

tsc_UniString&  operator = (const wchar_t* s);            Assignment from a wide character string.

wchar_t operator []  (int index) const;                   [] operator for indexing into the string (read only).

Other methods

int  Length  () const;     Returns the number of wide characters, not the number of bytes

bool IsEmpty () const;     Returns true if the string length is zero.


virtual tsc_String ToString () const;
Converts a unicode string to a tsc_String (UTF-8).

const wchar_t* ToCharacters() const;
Returns a unicode string as a wide pointer.  Note that the returned value points to an internal buffer in the tsc_UniString object, and is only valid as long as the object exists.

static const tsc_UniString Empty;
An empty unicode string.