
This is a simple value type that contains a relative coordinate often referred to as a station and offset.  Unlike a grid delta the offset within this class apply along a transformation line such as a tsc_LineDefinition or tsc_ArcDefinition and are not neccessarily cartesian.  Such a transformation line may also have a false origin called the start station.

Member variables

The station value along the line (incuding any start staion false offset).  May be off the ends of the line in some cases.

double Along;

The horizontal offset perpendicular to the line at the station point, positive indicates right when looking down from above.

double Across;

The vertical offset above or below the line at the station point.

double Above;

A set of functions may be used to determine which values, if any, are present.  Missing values are set to double_Null.

bool IsEmpty();

bool HasVertical();

bool HasHorizontal();

tsc_StationOffset has no conversion functions as the values depend heavily on the transformation line, it is however useful to have a dedicated type to explictly show that these are in a different coordinate frame to other types of deltas.