
This class contains a list of tsc_Feature objects.  See Features and attributes for an overview.

There is no constructor for this class - the tsc_EntityFeatures object always contains a tsc_FeatureList even if it is empty.  To create a new feature list, construct a tsc_EntityFeatures object and add items to its Features member.

Public methods

tsc_Feature operator[] (int index) const;

tsc_Feature AtIndex (int index) const;

Returns the feature at the given zero-based index.

tsc_Feature operator[] (const char* featureName) const;

Returns the feature of the given name.  If the feature is not in the list, the returned feature's IsNull() method returns true.

int IndexOf (const char* featureName) const;

Returns the zero-based index of the feature with the given name, or -1 if the name is not found in the list.

bool Contains (const char* featureName) const;

Returns true if the named attribute exists in the list.

bool IsEmpty () const;

True if this instance contains no features.

int Count () const;

Returns the number of features in the list.

int Add (const tsc_Feature& feature);

Adds a feature to the list, not necessarily at the end.  The sequence of features is determined by Survey Core; there is no Insert method.

void Remove (int index);

Removes the feature at the given index.

void Clear ();

Removes all features from the list.