
Coordinate geometry settings are a group of related choices that determine what context a coordinate geometry calculation will use.  While a coordinate system controls the transformation of coordinates to a specified framework, the cogo settings will determine what framework that will be and what type of distances and heights the user wants calculated (or is supplying values in terms of).

While most tsc_Cogo functions that take a tsc_CogoEnvironment will pay attention to the tsc_CogoSettings some may not and these are documented.

By framework we mean the coordinate system framework within which to operate.  Most of use are familiar with the Cartesian framework which is represented by the North-East-Elevation grid.  Transforming through the coordinate system projection we arrive at the local ellipsoid with Latitude-Longitude-Height; going further down through the datum transformation we get the WGS84 ellipsoid with different Latitude-Longitude-Height set. This process is illustrated on this page.  The geometry at each framework is different so specifying which framework to operate in affects the values being calculated. 

In a real coordinate system, with positions close to its target area, differences are small - which is part of the intention of a coordinate system - and NEE grid is sufficient.  When high precision, extreme elevations or long distances are desired you may want to consider configuring your framework and distance options more carefully.





Determines the expression of distances, this is different to tsc_CogoDistanceCalcType.

For example: 1m observed at a high altitude is not necessarily the same as 1m at the ellipsoid surface, even though both may be in terms of the same framework (e.g. local ellipsoid).



tsc_CogoSettings (const tsc_Job& job);
tsc_CogoSettings (const tsc_Entity& forEntity);


Set or retrieve the type in question.

tsc_CogoAzimuthCalcType    AzimuthFramework () const;
void                       AzimuthFramework (tsc_CogoAzimuthCalcType type);
tsc_CogoDistanceCalcType   DistanceFramework() const;
void                       DistanceFramework(tsc_CogoDistanceCalcType type);
tsc_CogoDistanceResultType DistanceMethod   () const;
void                       DistanceMethod   (tsc_CogoDistanceResultType type);
tsc_CogoHeightMethod       HeightMethod     () const;
void                       HeightMethod     (tsc_CogoHeightMethod type);