
This small class holds the result of a calculate average point function call (tsc_Cogo::CalculateDbAverage).

It contains the average itself and the list of points that were used to generate it.  You can query it for the residuals of each point with respect to the calculated coordinate.

Note: If the source point was a total station observation then the angular residuals for that point with respect to its station are also calculated, these values remain double_Null for non-Total Station points.

Public members

tsc_Grid AveragePoint () const;
The result of the averaging operation.

tsc_GridDeltas StandardDeviation () const;
The S.D. of the operation.

tsc_PointList Points ();
The point list that was used to produce the average.

x_Code Error();
The error code from the calculation operation, X_NULL is success.

tsc_Job Job();
The job associated with the points used in the calculation.

int GetResidualCount() const;
The number of available residuals.

tsc_Residuals GetResiduals (int index) const;
Retrieves the residuals at the index, may be empty for invalid indices or invalid source data.

tsc_GridDeltas GridResiduals(int index) const;
The residuals for the point at the corresponding index in the tsc_PointList.

bool HasAngularResiduals(int index) const;
Returns true if the point at the specified index of the tsc_PointList has angular residuals (and thus was a total station observation).

void AngularResiduals (int index, double& deltaHa, double& deltaVa, double& deltaSd) const;
Retrieves the angular residuals for the point and the specified index in the tsc_PointList.  These will be double_Null for standard observations.

x_Code AppendToDatabase  (const char* name);
Stores the averaged observation in the job that the points came from.  Note that this operation does NOT delete any previous average observations with the same name.  X_NULL indicates success.

tsc_GridObservation GetObservation () const;
Retrieve an observation with the coordinate, standard deviation and residuals loaded.