tsc_Entity (custom records)

Available in SC version 2.10 and higher.

This page describes only those methods in tsc_Entity which relate to custom database xml data.

Any database entity (Point, line, arc, custom entity) may have custom xml sub-records attached.  The read-only tsc_Entity class allows access to those previously attached sub-records.

In addition, the tsc_Entity itself may be a custom entity.

Public methods

tsc_CustomRecordArray GetCustomSubRecords (tsc_DatabaseCustomType& type) const;
This method returns an array of the sub-records that have been attached to the entity using the tsc_Database::AddCustomSubRecord(), or the tsc_Observation::AddCustomSubRecord() method.  If no records have been attached, the list will be empty (Count() == 0).

bool IsCustom () const;
Returns true if the tsc_Entity object is a custom entity (as opposed to a point, line, or arc).  This does not indicate whether the entity contains custom sub-records.