
tsc_JobMapBounds is the base class for event arguments supplied to the tsc_JobMap::OnExtents() and tsc_JobMap::OnAutopan() event handlers.  It is used for specifying a bounding box (a rectangle) which encompasses a number of points.

The values are grid coordinates and are always in metres, and (if the map is empty and/or no current position is known) may contain double_Null when the event handler is called.  The Extend function takes care of all possibilities, and should be used in preference to changing the values directly.

Trimble recommends that the North and East values only be increased, and the South and West values only be decreased, otherwise the map may not behave as expected.  Using the Extend() method will ensure this rule is always obeyed.

Public members

virtual void Extend (const tsc_Grid& coordinate) = 0;
Extends the area to include the supplied point coordinate.  The coordinate's elevation is ignored.

void Clear ();
Resets all values to double_Null, which is equivalent to an empty rectangle.  In this state, no panning or zooming will occur.

bool IsEmpty ();
Tests for an empty rectangle (double_Null).

double* ExtentNorth;
double* ExtentEast;
double* ExtentSouth;
double* ExtentWest;
These four pointers allow the currently computed extents to be accessed and/or modified.  These values will change when Extend() is called. Always ensure that *ExtentNorth is greater than *ExtentSouth, and that *ExtentWest is less than *ExtentEast.  Also, the difference between north and south and between east and west will be limited to >= 0.01m.