Converting SCAPI projects to version 4 of the SDK

This page describes updating a plugin from a pre-4.00 version of SCAPI. If you are starting afresh, go to this page instead.

Getting started, creating a new project for SCAPI v4.00+ (incl version 18.20 and beyond)

This guide has been updated to the 2019.00 version of Trimble Access. This is SCAPI version 19.00 released in May 2019, built using Visual Studio 2019 and in a 64-bit configuration. 

Images and other resources

The resource DLLs are no longer used; images and other files are now resources in the plugin DLL. The largest images, generally those from the 1024x600 DLL, can simply be copied across and used in the new solution.

The new UI will resize images on the fly to the size required. Note that icons, buttons, etc should preferably be about 256 x 256 pixel png files with transparent backgrounds. Smaller images (say 96 x 96) will work on many devices, but quality may suffer on large screens. There is no requirement for sets of images (up, down, selected, disabled, etc) for buttons, just a single PNG image with a transparent background.

The API still using the same Windows-style IDB_imagename (resource.h/resource.rc) system, so names and source code should not need to be changed.

Source code

Copy the old source files into the new project directory, and add them to the project as existing files.  There are some things to note:


Unless additional files need installing, the installer (.nsi files) will be close to the final requirement.  Most information is now passed in from the property sheet so editing the .nsi files is often unnecessary.

Operation of the NSIS script is otherwise much the same as before.

If you have special requirements for plugin installation, then the changes made to the old NSIS scripts will need to be moved to the new scripts.