API classes and functions

This section (and all its sub-sections) describes each class and member function in detail:

In general

Most API functions are implemented by direct calls to the supporting code in Survey Core, so calling is generally fast.  "tsc_" Classes are provided which wrap the SC interface into a reasonably straightforward and logical architecture.

Most API calls are directed via interfaces to functions within Survey Core.  To ensure compatibility, all interfaces are versioned, and the version numbers are checked for every interface that the plugin uses when it is initialized.  In general, old plugins will be binary-compatible with newer versions of Survey Core, and this is a fundamental design guideline. Note however, that version 4.00 and version 19.00 of Trimble Access break this rule and a recompilation of older plugins is required to run across those version boundaries.

The API documentation makes reference to many terms which have a special meaning in the context of the API. Please see the alphabetic glossary for a concise explanation of these terms.

Classes by category

The best way to navigate on this site is with the side menu. The list below is a carry-over from the good ole' days, but does have some useful groupings.