tsc_String example code

The following example code is an extract of the tsc_String unit tests, and demonstrates just about every way to use the class.  For this reason, a lot of the examples are trivial and obvious.

class ToStringObject : public tsc_Object



    virtual tsc_String ToString() const


        return "Greetings from ToStringObject";



#define RunTest(testExpression, expectedResult) ...

class StringsTestRig : public ApiTestRigBase


    void RunTests()


        RunTest (StaticString == "Static-one-two", true);

        const char * csts = "TestString1";

        tsc_String  s0 = "";

        tsc_String  s1 = csts;

        tsc_String  s2 = "TestString2";

        tsc_String  s3  ("TEST", "String2");

        tsc_String  s4  ('a', 4);

        tsc_String  s5 = "0a0bc0def0ghij0klmno0pqrstu";

        tsc_String  si = 'i';

        s5 += "0vwxyz";

        RunTest (s0.IsEmpty(), true);

        RunTest (s1.IsEmpty(), false);

        RunTest (s0 == s0, true);

        RunTest (s0 != s0, false);

        RunTest (s1 == s1, true);

        RunTest (s1 != s1, false);

        RunTest (s0 == s1, false);

        RunTest (s0 != s1, true);

        RunTest (s1 == s2, false);

        RunTest (s1 != s2, true);

        RunTest (si == 'i', true);

        RunTest (si == 'I', false);

        RunTest (s0 + "", "");

        RunTest (s1 + "", csts);

        RunTest (s1 + "Hundred", "TestString1Hundred");

        RunTest ("" + s1, "TestString1");

        RunTest ("Bollocks" + s1, "BollocksTestString1");

        RunTest (s1 + s3, "TestString1TESTString2");

        RunTest (s1 + s2 + s3, "TestString1TestString2TESTString2");

        RunTest (s1 + s1 + s1, "TestString1TestString1TestString1");

        RunTest (s1[0], 'T');

        RunTest (s1[1], 'e');

        RunTest (s1[2], 's');

        RunTest (s1[10], '1');

        RunTest (s1.Compare (s2), -1);

        RunTest (s2.Compare (s1), 1);

        RunTest (s1.Compare (s1), 0);

        RunTest (s0.Compare (s0), 0);

        RunTest (s2.Compare (s3), 1);

        RunTest (s2.Compare (s3, Case_Insensitive), 0);

        RunTest (s0.Length(), 0);

        RunTest (s1.Length(), 11);

        RunTest (s0.ToLower(), "");

        RunTest (s1.ToLower(), "teststring1");

        RunTest (s0.ToUpper(), "");

        RunTest (s1.ToUpper(), "TESTSTRING1");

        RunTest (s1.ToString(), "TestString1");

        RunTest (s0.IndexOf ('r'), -1);

        RunTest (s0.IndexOf (""), -1);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOf ('r'), 6);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOf ("T"), 0);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOf ("TestString1"), 0);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOf ("TestString12"), -1);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOf ("ing1"), 7);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOf ('R'), -1);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOf ('S'), 4);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOf ('1'), 10);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOf ('t',4), 5);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOf ('1',10), 10);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOf ('1',11), -1);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOf (si,2), 7);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOf ('G',0,Case_Insensitive), 9);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOf ('g',0,Case_Insensitive), 9);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOf ('t',0,Case_Insensitive), 0);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOf ('S',0,Case_Insensitive), 2);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOf ("st",3,Case_Insensitive), 4);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOfAny (""), -1);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOfAny ("ERING"), -1);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOfAny ("ERING1"), 10);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOfAny ("t",4), 5);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOfAny ("ring"), 6);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOfAny ("1",10), 10);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOfAny ("1",11), -1);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOfAny (si,2), 7);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOfAny ("test",4), 5);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOfAny ("teSt",4), 4);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOfAny ("test",5), 5);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOfAny ("1",10), 10);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOfAny ("ng1",11), -1);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOfAny ("abcdfhjklmopquvwxy1z"), 10);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOfAny ("abcdfhjklmopquvwxy1z"), 10);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOfAny ("1G",0,Case_Insensitive), 9);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOfAny ("1g",0,Case_Insensitive), 9);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOfAny ("ts",0,Case_Insensitive), 0);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOfAny ("S",0,Case_Insensitive), 2);

        RunTest (s1.IndexOfAny ("srng",3,Case_Insensitive), 4);

        RunTest (s0.Contains ('r'), false);

        RunTest (s0.Contains (""), false);

        RunTest (s1.Contains ('r'), true);

        RunTest (s1.Contains ('R'), false);

        RunTest (s1.Contains ('S'), true);

        RunTest (s1.Contains ('1'), true);

        RunTest (s1.Contains (si), true);

        RunTest (s1.Contains ('G', Case_Insensitive), true);

        RunTest (s1.Contains ('g', Case_Insensitive), true);

        RunTest (s1.Contains ('t', Case_Insensitive), true);

        RunTest (s1.Contains ('S', Case_Insensitive), true);

        RunTest (s0.LastIndexOf ('r'), -1);

        RunTest (s1.LastIndexOf ('q'), -1);

        RunTest (s1.LastIndexOf ('t'), 5);

        RunTest (s1.LastIndexOf ('T'), 0);

        RunTest (s1.LastIndexOf ('1'), 10);

        RunTest (s1.LastIndexOf (si[0]), 7);

        RunTest (s0.StartsWith (""), true);

        RunTest (s0.StartsWith ("a"), false);

        RunTest (s1.StartsWith ('T'), true);

        RunTest (s1.StartsWith ('U'), false);

        RunTest (s1.StartsWith ("est"), false);

        RunTest (s1.StartsWith ("Test"), true);

        RunTest (s1.StartsWith (csts), true);

        RunTest (s1.StartsWith ("TestString9"), false);

        RunTest (s3.StartsWith ("TestString2"), false);

        RunTest (s3.StartsWith ("TESTString2"), true);

        RunTest (s3.StartsWith ("TestString2", Case_Insensitive), true);

        RunTest (s3.StartsWith ("teststRING2", Case_Insensitive), true);

        RunTest (s0.EndsWith (""), true);

        RunTest (s0.EndsWith ("a"), false);

        RunTest (s1.EndsWith ('1'), true);

        RunTest (s1.EndsWith ('2'), false);

        RunTest (s1.EndsWith ("ring"), false);

        RunTest (s1.EndsWith ("ring1"), true);

        RunTest (s1.EndsWith ("TestString1"), true);

        RunTest (s1.EndsWith ("TestString9"), false);

        RunTest (s3.EndsWith ("TestString"), false);

        RunTest (s3.EndsWith ("ESTString2"), true);

        RunTest (s3.EndsWith ("estString2", Case_Insensitive), true);

        RunTest (s3.EndsWith ("eststRING2", Case_Insensitive), true);

        RunTest (s0.Replace ("Q", "B"), "");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("Q", "B"), "TestString1");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("TestString1", "EelsInMyBath"),  "EelsInMyBath");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("T", "B"), "BestString1");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("T", ""),  "estString1");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("T", "Br"),  "BrestString1");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("Test", ""),  "String1");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("Test", "Dest"),  "DestString1");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("Test", "Destination"),  "DestinationString1");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("S", "Z"), "TestZtring1");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("S", ""),  "Testtring1");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("S", "Fil"),  "TestFiltring1");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("String", ""),  "Test1");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("String", "Banana"),  "TestBanana1");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("String", "Pantechnicon"),  "TestPantechnicon1");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("1", "Z"), "TestStringZ");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("1", ""),  "TestString");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("1", "Thing"),  "TestStringThing");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("String1", ""),  "Test");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("String1", "Banana"),  "TestBanana");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("String", "Pantechnicon"),  "TestPantechnicon1");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("t", "b",      Replace_CaseInsensitive), "bestString1");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("strING", "",  Replace_CaseInsensitive),  "Test1");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("Q", "",       Replace_AllOccurrences),  "TestString1");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("String", "",  Replace_AllOccurrences),  "Test1");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("t", "",       Replace_AllOccurrences),  "TesSring1");

        RunTest (s4.Replace ("A", "Har",    Replace_AllOccurrences),  "aaaa");

        RunTest (s4.Replace ("a", "",       Replace_AllOccurrences),  "");

        RunTest (s5.Replace ("0", "|=|",    Replace_AllOccurrences),  "|=|a|=|bc|=|def|=|ghij|=|klmno|=|pqrstu|=|vwxyz");

        RunTest (s5.Replace ("0", "",       Replace_AllOccurrences),  "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");

        RunTest (s5.Replace ("pqrstu", "-", Replace_AllOccurrences),  "0a0bc0def0ghij0klmno0-0vwxyz");

        RunTest (s5.Replace ("vwxyz", "-",  Replace_AllOccurrences),  "0a0bc0def0ghij0klmno0pqrstu0-");

        RunTest (s5.Replace ("vwxyz", "",   Replace_AllOccurrences),  "0a0bc0def0ghij0klmno0pqrstu0");

        RunTest (s5.Replace ("vwxyz", "123456789", Replace_AllOccurrences),  "0a0bc0def0ghij0klmno0pqrstu0123456789");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("sTRIng", "",  Replace_AllOccurrences | Replace_CaseInsensitive),  "Test1");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("t", "Q",      Replace_AllOccurrences | Replace_CaseInsensitive),  "QesQSQring1");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("1", "",       Replace_AllOccurrences | Replace_CaseInsensitive),  "TestString");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("G1", "",      Replace_AllOccurrences | Replace_CaseInsensitive),  "TestStrin");

        RunTest (s1.Replace ("G1", "dles",  Replace_AllOccurrences | Replace_CaseInsensitive),  "TestStrindles");

        RunTest (s1.Replace (si, s4,        Replace_AllOccurrences | Replace_CaseInsensitive),  "TestStraaaang1");

        RunTest (s4.Replace ("A", "H",      Replace_AllOccurrences | Replace_CaseInsensitive),  "HHHH");

        RunTest (s4.Replace ("A", "Har",    Replace_AllOccurrences | Replace_CaseInsensitive),  "HarHarHarHar");

        RunTest (s4.Replace ("A", "",       Replace_AllOccurrences | Replace_CaseInsensitive),  "");

        RunTest (s0.Substring (0),  "");

        RunTest (s0.Substring (1),  "");

        RunTest (s1.Substring (0),  csts);

        RunTest (s1.Substring (1),  "estString1");

        RunTest (s1.Substring (10),  "1");

        RunTest (s1.Substring (11),  "");

        RunTest (s0.Substring (0, 1),  "");

        RunTest (s0.Substring (1, 1),  "");

        RunTest (s1.Substring (0, 2),  "Te");

        RunTest (s1.Substring (1, 2),  "es");

        RunTest (s1.Substring (10, 2),  "1");

        RunTest (s1.Substring (11, 2),  "");

        RunTest (s1.Substring (8, 88),  "ng1");

        RunTest (s0.Insert    (0, s4),  "aaaa");

        RunTest (s1.Insert    (0, s4),  "aaaaTestString1");

        RunTest (s1.Insert    (1, s4),  "TaaaaestString1");

        RunTest (s1.Insert    (10, s4),  "TestStringaaaa1");

        RunTest (s1.Insert    (11, s4),  "TestString1aaaa");

        RunTest (s1.Remove    (0),  "");

        RunTest (s1.Remove    (1),  "T");

        RunTest (s1.Remove    (2),  "Te");

        RunTest (s1.Remove    (10), "TestString");

        RunTest (s1.Remove    (2, 0),  "TestString1");

        RunTest (s1.Remove    (2, 8),  "Te1");

        RunTest (s1.Remove    (2, 9),  "Te");

        RunTest (s1.Remove    (2, 10), "Te");

        RunTest (s1.Remove    (2, 11), "Te");

        RunTest (s1.Remove    (2, 111), "Te");

        RunTest (s1.Remove    (10, 1), "TestString");

        RunTest (s1.Remove    (10, 2), "TestString");

        tsc_String r0 = "   ";

        tsc_String r1 = "a  ";

        tsc_String r2 = " a ";

        tsc_String r3 = "  a";

        RunTest (s0.TrimLeft(), "");

        RunTest (r0.TrimLeft(), "");

        RunTest (r1.TrimLeft(), "a  ");

        RunTest (r2.TrimLeft(), "a ");

        RunTest (r3.TrimLeft(), "a");

        RunTest (s0.TrimRight(), "");

        RunTest (r0.TrimRight(), "");

        RunTest (r1.TrimRight(), "a");

        RunTest (r2.TrimRight(), " a");

        RunTest (r3.TrimRight(), "  a");

        RunTest (s0.Trim(), "");

        RunTest (r0.Trim(), "");

        RunTest (r1.Trim(), "a");

        RunTest (r2.Trim(), "a");

        RunTest (r3.Trim(), "a");

        tsc_String rc0 = "---";

        tsc_String rc1 = "a--";

        tsc_String rc2 = "-a-";

        tsc_String rc3 = "--a";

        RunTest (s0.TrimLeft ('-'), "");

        RunTest (rc0.TrimLeft('-'), "");

        RunTest (rc1.TrimLeft('-'), "a--");

        RunTest (rc2.TrimLeft('-'), "a-");

        RunTest (rc3.TrimLeft('-'), "a");

        RunTest (s0.TrimRight ('-'), "");

        RunTest (rc0.TrimRight('-'), "");

        RunTest (rc1.TrimRight('-'), "a");

        RunTest (rc2.TrimRight('-'), "-a");

        RunTest (rc3.TrimRight('-'), "--a");

        RunTest (s0.Trim ('-'), "");

        RunTest (rc0.Trim('-'), "");

        RunTest (rc1.Trim('-'), "a");

        RunTest (rc2.Trim('-'), "a");

        RunTest (rc3.Trim('-'), "a");

        tsc_String sw1 = "First";

        tsc_String sw2 = "Second";

        tsc_String sw3;



        RunTest (sw1, "Second");

        RunTest (sw2, "");

        RunTest (sw3, "First");

        RunTest (s0.Split (',').Count(), 0);

        tsc_String sp1 = "a,bb,ccc,dddd";

        tsc_StringList spres1 = sp1.Split (',');

        RunTest (spres1.Count(), 4);

        RunTest (spres1[0], "a");

        RunTest (spres1[1], "bb");

        RunTest (spres1[2], "ccc");

        RunTest (spres1[3], "dddd");

        tsc_String sp2 = ",333,22,1,";

        tsc_StringList spres2 = sp2.Split (',');

        RunTest (spres2.Count(), 5);

        RunTest (spres2[0], "");

        RunTest (spres2[1], "333");

        RunTest (spres2[2], "22");

        RunTest (spres2[3], "1");

        RunTest (spres2[4], "");

        tsc_StringList spres3 = sp2.Split (',', Split_RemoveEmptyEntries);

        RunTest (spres3.Count(), 3);

        RunTest (spres3[0], "333");

        RunTest (spres3[1], "22");

        RunTest (spres3[2], "1");

        tsc_String sp4 = ";333,=22.1=";

        tsc_StringList spres4 = sp4.Split ("=.;,");

        RunTest (spres4.Count(), 6);

        RunTest (spres4[0], "");

        RunTest (spres4[1], "333");

        RunTest (spres4[2], "");

        RunTest (spres4[3], "22");

        RunTest (spres4[4], "1");

        RunTest (spres4[5], "");

        tsc_StringList spres5 = sp4.Split ("=.;,", Split_RemoveEmptyEntries);

        RunTest (spres5.Count(), 3);

        RunTest (spres5[0], "333");

        RunTest (spres5[1], "22");

        RunTest (spres5[2], "1");

        tsc_String sp6 = ";one,'two.three'=four;";

        tsc_StringList spres6 = sp6.Split ("=.;,", Split_RespectQuotes);

        RunTest (spres6.Count(), 5);

        RunTest (spres6[0], "");

        RunTest (spres6[1], "one");

        RunTest (spres6[2], "'two.three'");

        RunTest (spres6[3], "four");

        RunTest (spres6[4], "");

        tsc_StringList spres7 = sp6.Split ("=.;,", tsc_SplitOptions(Split_RespectQuotes | Split_RemoveEmptyEntries));

        RunTest (spres7.Count(), 3);

        RunTest (spres7[0], "one");

        RunTest (spres7[1], "'two.three'");

        RunTest (spres7[2], "four");

        tsc_String     sp8 = "::one;two::::'::three::'four";

        tsc_StringList strDelims ("", "::", ";");

        tsc_StringList spres8 = sp8.Split (strDelims);

        RunTest (spres8.Count(), 7);

        RunTest (spres8[0], "");

        RunTest (spres8[1], "one");

        RunTest (spres8[2], "two");

        RunTest (spres8[3], "");

        RunTest (spres8[4], "'");

        RunTest (spres8[5], "three");

        RunTest (spres8[6], "'four");

        tsc_StringList spres9 = sp8.Split (strDelims, Split_RemoveEmptyEntries);

        RunTest (spres9.Count(), 5);

        RunTest (spres9[0], "one");

        RunTest (spres9[1], "two");

        RunTest (spres9[2], "'");

        RunTest (spres9[3], "three");

        RunTest (spres9[4], "'four");

        tsc_StringList spres10 = sp8.Split (strDelims, Split_RespectQuotes);

        RunTest (spres10.Count(), 5);

        RunTest (spres10[0], "");

        RunTest (spres10[1], "one");

        RunTest (spres10[2], "two");

        RunTest (spres10[3], "");

        RunTest (spres10[4], "'::three::'four");

        tsc_StringList spres11 = sp8.Split (strDelims, tsc_SplitOptions(Split_RespectQuotes | Split_RemoveEmptyEntries));

        RunTest (spres11.Count(), 3);

        RunTest (spres11[0], "one");

        RunTest (spres11[1], "two");

        RunTest (spres11[2], "'::three::'four");

        tsc_String sNoDelim = "None";

        RunTest (sNoDelim.Split(',').Count(), 1);

        RunTest (sNoDelim.Split(",.").Count(), 1);

        RunTest (sNoDelim.Split(tsc_StringList(",")).Count(), 1);

        tsc_String sArcMinutes = "6465, ABC, 16\",\"500\", FBE";

        tsc_StringList spres12 = sArcMinutes.Split(',', Split_RespectQuotes);

        RunTest (spres12.Count(), 5);

        RunTest (spres12[2], " 16\"");

        RunTest (spres12[3], "\"500\"");

#if PLATFORM_WINDOWS              // Because clang thinks this is pointless!

        tsc_String t1 = s1;

        t1 = t1;

        RunTest (t1, s1);


        //=== Unicode strings ===

        tsc_UniString w1 = s1;

        tsc_String    x1 = w1.ToString();

        RunTest (x1, s1);

        tsc_UniString w1b = s0;

        tsc_String    x1b = w1b.ToString();

        RunTest (x1b, s0);

        tsc_UniString w1c = w1;

        tsc_String    x1c = w1c.ToString();

        RunTest (x1c, s1);

        RunTest(tsc_UniString().IsEmpty(), true);

        tsc_UniString uniStrTemp = tsc_UniString("temp");

        RunTest(uniStrTemp.ToString(), "temp");

        RunTest(uniStrTemp.Length(), 4);

        RunTest(uniStrTemp.IsEmpty(), false);

        RunTest(uniStrTemp[0], L't');

        RunTest(uniStrTemp[1], L'e');

        RunTest(uniStrTemp[2], L'm');

        RunTest(uniStrTemp[3], L'p');

        RunTest(uniStrTemp[4], L'\0');

        tsc_UniString w2 = L"Unicode (usc2) string.";

        const char*   u2 =  "Unicode (usc2) string.";

        tsc_String    x2 = w2.ToString();

        RunTest (x2, u2);

         // Do a round-trip to unicode and back to utf8.

        tsc_UniString z2 = x2;

        tsc_String    y2 = z2.ToString();

        RunTest (y2, u2);

        // Empty unicode string.

        tsc_UniString w3 = L"";

        tsc_String    x3 = w3.ToString();

        RunTest (x3.Length(), 0);

        tsc_UniString w4;            // Empty constructor

        RunTest (w4.ToString(), "");

        tsc_UniString w5 (L'z');     // wchar constructor

        RunTest (w5.ToString(), "z");

        // === tsc_String::Format ===

        tsc_String spf1;

        tsc_String spf2 = "a";

        tsc_String spf3 = "bc";

        tsc_String spf4 = "def";

        tsc_String spf5 = "ghij";

        tsc_String spf6 = "klmno";

        tsc_String spf7 = "pqrstu";

        const char* spf8 = "";

        const char* spf9 = "123";

        const char* spf10 = "123456";

        tsc_String fs1 = tsc_String::Format ("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s", spf1, spf2, spf3, spf4, spf5, spf6, spf7, spf8, spf9, spf10);

        RunTest (fs1, ",a,bc,def,ghij,klmno,pqrstu,,123,123456");

        char sfch  = 'm';

        short sfsh = 32767;

        int sfsi   = -54321;

        unsigned int sfui = 891;

        float sffl = -1.9876e12f;

        double sfdb = 9.8765432109;

        x_Code sfxc = X_Yes;

        ToStringObject tsobj;

        tsc_String fs2 = tsc_String::Format(


                          sfch, sfsh, sfsi, sfui, sffl, sfdb, sfxc, tsobj);

        RunTest (fs2, "m;32767;-54321;891;-1.9876e+12;9.8765432109;Yes;Greetings from ToStringObject");

        // Test a very big Format...

        tsc_String bigStr ('x', 65500);

        tsc_String expect = "[-3.500000,123" + bigStr + "456]";

        tsc_String result = tsc_String::Format ("[%f,%d%s%d]", -3.5, 123, bigStr, 456);

        if (result != expect)


            RunTest (tsc_String("[Big string 1]"), tsc_String("[Big string 2]"));   // Strings too big to log.






        result = tsc_String::Format ("[%0.*f]",  1, 3.14159);    RunTest (result, "[3.1]");

        result = tsc_String::Format ("[%0.*f]",  2, 3.14159);    RunTest (result, "[3.14]");

        result = tsc_String::Format ("[%0.*f]",  3, 3.14159);    RunTest (result, "[3.142]");

        result = tsc_String::Format ("[%0*i]",   6, 123);        RunTest (result, "[000123]");

        result = tsc_String::Format ("[%0*.*f]", 7, 3, 3.1);     RunTest (result, "[003.100]");

        //==================== Unicode conversions...

        tsc_StringList utf8Strings (




            u8"2H₂ + O₂ ⇌ 2H₂O, R = 4.7 kΩ, ⌀ 200 mm"


        for (int i = 0; i < utf8Strings.Count(); i++)


            tsc_String str8 {utf8Strings[i]};

            tsc_UniString ustr {str8};

            tsc_String rtrip {ustr.ToString()};

            RunTest (rtrip, str8);    // Test fails, utf32 not handled properly on Android.
