
This is a specialised tsc_UITask that is intended to perform a total station setup.

It can be used like other UITask base classes in that you are expected to inherit from it and override the abstract Run functions.  In this case most of the virtual functions have been overridden correctly for you.


tsc_StationSetupUITask (x_Code scTaskId);
Constructor is called with a task ID.  DO NOT do significant work in the constructor - it will be called every time the item appears on a menu which could be often.
The constructor should be light-weight as the UITask may be constructed frequently.

virtual ~tsc_StationSetupUITask ();
Override if required.

virtual void Run () = 0;
Override Run() and implement your task here.  Until the Run function exits, the task remains in a running state and is able to be switched-to by the user.